
Types of Car Accidents

Duluth Car Accident is a sudden and often unpredictable event that can cause serious injuries. Almost all car accidents are caused by driver error or negligence.Car Accidents

After any car accident, you should always call the police to file a report. Try to get contact information from any eyewitnesses. Take photos and videos of the scene as soon as possible.

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common car accidents. They typically occur when the vehicle ahead of you stops suddenly or slows down in traffic. The driver in the rear is usually at fault. In fact, the vast majority of rear-end crashes are caused by drivers following too closely or not paying attention to the road and driving conditions. The majority of these crashes also happen during daylight hours on straight, dry roads.

While most rear-end collisions don’t prove fatal, they do cause severe injuries like whiplash and spinal cord damage. They can also cause traumatic brain injury (TBI) and broken bones.

When you’re involved in a rear-end accident, it’s important to seek medical care immediately. Your physician can examine your injuries and recommend treatment for them if necessary.

The three most common injuries suffered in rear-end accidents are whiplash, spinal cord injury, and broken ribs. Whiplash is a neck injury that can be serious if the impact is strong enough, especially in cases where your head moves suddenly during the accident.

Spinal cord injuries can range from mild to severe and can leave you with permanent disability. Signs of spinal cord injury include extreme pain and pressure in your head, back, or neck, tingling in your limbs or digits, or a loss of control over your limbs and digits.

Rear-end collisions can also lead to facial injuries from the force of airbag deployment or hitting your face against the steering wheel. You could also suffer broken ribs and other fractures from being thrown around inside your car during the crash.

Some causes of rear-end collisions include failing to use turn signals, driving while tired or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and brake failure. Other times, the leading driver is at fault if they fail to pay attention to traffic conditions and drive too fast for current road and weather conditions.

Some drivers may be able to file a lawsuit against the person or company responsible for causing a rear-end collision. In some cases, the manufacturer of a car part or a mechanic can be held liable for a rear-end collision due to malfunctioning parts or shoddy work performed on a vehicle.

Side-End Collisions

While safety technology like seatbelts and airbags have improved to make front-end collisions less deadly, side impact crashes continue to take the lives of thousands of drivers and passengers each year. In fact, side-impact collisions (often called T-bone collisions) are the second deadliest type of car accident.

These accidents can be especially dangerous because of how close the sides of a vehicle are to its occupants. Even at low speeds, they can cause severe injuries. The force of the crash can shift a driver or passenger’s body, possibly breaking bones and crushing internal organs. It can also cause the victim to be thrown from their vehicle and hit by other vehicles attempting to avoid the struck car.

As with rear-end collisions, the size and speed of the striking vehicle and occupants’ positioning in their seat determines how serious an injury will be. Typically, it’s greater at higher speeds and for larger or heavier striking cars. But because of the close proximity between a vehicle’s side panels and where its occupants are seated, side-impact collisions have been shown to be more deadly than head-on or rear-end accidents, even at low speeds.

Drivers can often cause side-impact collisions by turning in front of another car or merging into traffic too quickly. They may also be the result of adverse road conditions such as ice, snow or rain. Other causes of these types of accidents can include alcohol and drugged driving, speeding, illegal passing and aggressive driving.

The most important thing to do after a side-impact collision is to seek medical attention immediately. This is especially important because some injuries don’t appear until days or weeks after the accident. If possible, obtain as many pictures of the accident scene and any damage to your vehicle. Also, try to talk with any witnesses. They can provide valuable information as to what happened.

Victims of side-impact collisions often have significant medical expenses and property damage. They can be entitled to compensation for their current and future medical costs, loss of income, pain and suffering, emotional trauma and other damages. Our Long Island car accident lawyers will work tirelessly to help you get the compensation you deserve.

T-Bone Collisions

A T-bone crash happens when the front of one vehicle strikes the side of another. This type of accident is especially dangerous for the occupants of the car on the struck side, who may sustain severe injuries.

T-bone accidents can be caused by a number of different factors, including speeding and right-of-way violations. In general, the driver who runs a red light or ignores a stop sign is considered negligent in T-bone crashes. This is also true of drivers who are going much faster than the posted speed limit and crash into slower vehicles.

Distracted driving is another common cause of T-bone accidents. Texting friends, looking at maps on smartphones, eating and drinking while driving, and fiddling with the radio are all serious distractions that can cause accidents. Drivers who are under the influence of drugs or prescription medications can also be to blame for T-bone accidents.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are often sustained in T-bone crashes. The force of the impact can jolt the head violently, damaging the brain. TBI can lead to long-term disabilities and other health issues.

Shoulder injuries are also common in T-bone crashes. Drivers typically hold on to the steering wheel in a T-bone collision, and this can damage cartilage and ligaments in the shoulder.

Neck and back injuries are also common in T-bone crashes. This is because the force of the impact can twist the neck and spine in unnatural ways. This can result in sprains, whiplash, and herniated disks.

After an accident, it is important to collect key evidence and work with a personal injury attorney. The attorney will be able to help you get medical care, replace your car, and recover damages for your injuries. This can relieve some of the stress that comes with worrying about how you are going to pay for your medical bills and other expenses.

Even if you know it wasn’t your fault, the other driver’s insurance company might try to pin as much of the blame on you as they can. A skilled lawyer can help you fight back against these aggressive tactics.

Rollover Collisions

Although a majority of car accidents involve multiple vehicles, rollover collisions are the most common single-vehicle crashes and they often result in severe injuries. These crashes can be a combination of many factors, including vehicle design, environmental conditions and driver behavior. Whether another driver or the entity responsible for maintaining the road is to blame, your car accident attorney will investigate the evidence and fight to obtain maximum compensation for your damages.

There are two main types of rollover crashes: tripped and untripped. In a tripped rollover, the vehicle leaves the roadway and “trips” over something that tips it over, such as a curb, guard rail, uneven pavement or soft soil. A driver may also swerve to avoid hitting another vehicle or road debris, and the force of the swerve can cause the vehicle to tip over.

An untripped rollover typically occurs when a vehicle rounding a corner causes it to lose stability. As the vehicle rounds the corner, three forces act on it: tire force, inertia and gravity. When these forces are too great, the vehicle can shift and roll over. This type of rollover can be caused by a variety of factors, including speeding, attempting to take a tight turn too quickly or failing to use proper tire pressure.

Rollover crashes are particularly dangerous because they can be deadly. Passengers in a rolling vehicle can suffer fatal injuries if they are not wearing seat belts or the impact of the rollover causes them to be thrown from the vehicle. Injuries to the head and spine from this type of crash can be especially serious.

Aside from death and severe injuries, a rollover collision can cause property damage as well. Vehicles that roll over often hit other vehicles or obstacles in the road, and this can lead to expensive repairs. Additionally, a vehicle that rolls over might spill fuel or other hazardous materials, which could pose additional dangers to nearby motorists.

If you or a loved one was injured in a rollover accident, you need to contact a personal injury lawyer right away. Your lawyer will investigate the circumstances of the crash and help you prove your case with evidence such as witness statements, video or photographic documentation, expert testimony and medical records and receipts.